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Sodium Silicate (Na2o, Sio2) Sodium Silicate (Na2o, Sio2)

Sodium Silicate is a compound mixture of sodium oxide i.e. Na2o with silica sand i.e. Sio2 with water. Sodium silicate is also called water glass.

There are two process to manufacture liquid Sodium Silicate. To manufacture a lower ratio of Sodium Silicate br Hydrothermal process. Mixture of Na2Co3 (Soda Ash) with Sio2 (Silica sand) in furnace fuses of more then 1100° C gives sodium silicate glass in lumps form which is easily dissolved in hot water.

We manufacture large range of sodium silicates, as per the customer's specific requirements.

Our Specialty :
We supply both Neutral & Alkaline sodium silicate absolute transparent quality i.e. water white.

Range of Products :
Sodium Silicate liquid both Neutral & Alkaline. We manufacture large range of Sodium Silicate both in Neutral and Alkaline grade of the typical qualities. We also manufacture Sodium Silicate as per the customer's requirements and specification.

Sodium Silicates Concentration Mole Ratio Baume
Alkaline Sil 40 - 54 % 2.1 to 2.6 45 - 57
Neutral Sil 27 - 39 % 3.0 to 3.5 30 - 41.5

Sodium Metasilicate (5H2O) Sodium Metasilicate (5H2O)

Sodium Metasilicate 5H2O is used in Tanning Industries, Leather Industries, Metal Treatment, Washing Powder etc. available in Powder form of various mess size.

Silica Gel Silica Gel

It is available in white and blue colour Indicating & Non Indicating type with Sio2 content 97 - 98 %. It observes the moisture. It is used in electrical goods, telephone system, All electronic items, In Pharmaceuticals, In chemical Process. Available in sachet of 1 to 25 gms and also in bulk packages of 25 kgs or 50 kgs in Fibre drum.