1/2" thrd ms fitting tubular level guage with vent and drain valves - 525 mm length 2 nos.
Side mounted tubular level guage with thrd fitting ms 3/4" 1140 mm length - 2 nos With isolation valves.
Filpro offers Tank level gauges for all process and storage tanks. It is widely used for water, Oil, Diesel, Chemical, Resin, solvent, acid and alkali tanks.
Bi-colour flapper is SS provides Red and ..View More
Seal kit (gaskets,mica sheet etc) for Boiler Drum gauge glass unit
Model : TS 568 - 2118 ; Test Pressure = 81 kg/cm2 ;
Working Pressure = 54 kg/cm2 ; Working Temp = 270 deg C ;
Sl no : 27106,27107..View More