The organization, Western Enviro Solutions, has been established by Environmental Engineers with the aim of providing economical& efficient environmental services. Organization was set up after attaining meaningful experience with various organizations of great repute from the same field. By the way of environment experts, advisors, skilled vendors and associates cumulatively offers you an economical solutions for your Environmental problems.
Objectives of organization are to improve environmental status by adopting Eco-friendly methodologies and strive for Sustainable development. By Recycling of treated waste water to achieve zero.
The company made a humble beginning as "Western Enviro Solutions". As the organization grew, over a period of years from strength to strength, need was to felt to float another company as a limited company so that the total work load got divided in two and that we live up to our reputation of providing best attention and services to our valued patrons." Western Aqua Treat Solutions Pvt. Ltd." is a result of this development and thought process. Company took effect in the year 2011.
Since then, the two organizations are functioning concurrently.
Farther more, *Western Aqua Treat Solutions Pvt. Ltd." is in the process of introducing and offering such latest technologies for recycling and reuse of waste water as are technologically superior, most modern and popular in the highly developed countries so far..